The "Manuscript Administration System" is the web application for academic journals, which is developed with the purpose to automate and manage the processes of manuscripts submission, revision, reviewing, etc. The system has been developed and you don’t need to install any software. You just work with the system online.
Note on compatibility: The web application works best in the latest version of your browser. Supported Browsers and Operating systems are the latest versions of Chrome Windows 7–10; the latest versions of Firefox Windows 7–10, Internet Explorer 11 Windows 7, Microsoft Edge 17 Windows 10; and the latest versions of Safari Mac OS.
The Manuscript Administration System page is available to support all user groups. The System users are Managing Editor-in-Chief, Editors, Editorial Board Members, Authors, Reviewers and Publisher Representatives.
If you have any questions about this Manuscript Administration System, please contact us:
- Any user can register to the system using the following option: Standard registration form
- Any registered user except for the Publisher’s Office role can log in to the system using the following option: Email as a username and a password
- Any registered user, except for Publisher’s Office role, can change a password using Forgot password function.
- Any registered and logged in user can log out of the system.
- Any user having more than one role in the system can switch the roles when using the system interface and roles will be activated by managerial administrator.
- Any registered and logged in user except for Publisher’s Office role can edit data in his/her own profile by clicking My profile menu item.Any registered and logged in user except for Publisher’s Office role can view the service pages:
- Privacy policy
- Contacts
- About the system
The ROLE's in Manuscript Administration System
Managing Editor Role:
Manages the processes of the manuscript review and editing, following the manuscript schedule; checks the manuscripts at the initial stage, supports the peer review process managing; assists authors and Editors, arranges the final documents for publishing and has regular control over the deadlines;
As a Managing Editor, the user can view the following menu items after login is done:
- My Profile
- Roles switcher
- Logout option
- Submissions
- External Reviewers Invitations
- Privacy Policy
- Contacts
- About the system
- As a Managing Editor, the user can view all the submissions created in the system within a journal(s) they are assigned to.
- As a Managing Editor, the user can filter all the submissions created in the system within a journal(s) they are assigned to, by applying parameters such as:
- Phase
- Status
- Submission ID (within journals available for the role)
- Submission creation date
- Journal – only those journals they are assigned to
- Author & co-authors – only those authors and co-authors, who submitted manuscripts to their journals
- Manuscript Title (within journals available for the role)
- As a Managing Editor, the user can apply quick filters to submissions such as:
- As a Managing Editor, the user can apply cross-search functionality to search for the manuscripts throughout the system.
- If any submission is found, the user with Managing Editor Role can open submission details only if such manuscript was submitted to the journal available for the Managing Editor.
- As a Managing Editor, the user can sort the enlisted submissions by all the columns except for the ‘Author’ column.
- As a Managing Editor, the user can apply a paginator and number of the submissions to be displayed on one page.
- As a Managing Editor, the user can view a submission card by clicking on a submission from a submission list.
- As a Managing Editor, the user can view all the elements comprising a submission form.
- As a Managing Editor, the user can perform actions on submission, i.e:
- Upload files allowed on a definite submission workflow step
- Write a comment to the author of a manuscript
- Reject submission
- Send submission to the author for revision
- Transfer submission to the next step of the workflow
- Edit email templates before sending them during submission workflow
- View emails list per submission
- View the details of one email or email threads
- Create a new email from the Emails tab
- Reply to the incoming email (email comes to the email box of the user outside the system and is reflected in the Emails tab of a submission)
- View the history of files attached to the manuscript and download any of the files attached
- View the activity log of the submission
External Reviewers:
- As a Managing Editor, the user can view the list of the external reviewers invited
- As a Managing Editor, the user can sort the enlisted users by all the columns
- As a Managing Editor, the user can filter the list of users by applying the following parameters:
- Journal (available to such Managing Editor)
- User First and Last name
- As a Managing Editor, the user can invite external reviewers to become independent reviewers of a particular journal.
Author Role:
- The person who has submitted the article for consideration;
- As an Author, the user can view the following menu items after login is done:
- My Profile
- Roles switcher
- Logout option
- Submissions
- Privacy Policy
- Contacts
- About the system
- As an Author, the user can view all the submissions ever created by him in the system.
- As an Author, the user can sort the enlisted submissions by all the columns.
- As an Author, the user can apply a paginator and number of the submissions to be displayed on one page.
- As an Author, the user can view a submission card by clicking on a submission from a submission list. The elements of the submission card should be different from the one visible for the Managing Editor.
- As an Author, the user can submit a new manuscript in the system:
- State the data about him/herself,
- State the data about co-authors,
- Attach manuscript,
- Attach cover letter,
- Attach declaration of originality.
- As an Author, the user can read and write comments to a Managing Editor in the submission form.
- As an Author, the user can attach permission file during Initial Review and Plagiarism Check Phases.
- As an Author, the user can view a current status of the submission.
Editorial Board Member Role:
- As an Editorial Board Member, the user can view the following menu items after login is done:
- My Profile,
- Roles switcher,
- Logout option,
- Submissions,
- Privacy Policy,
- Contacts,
- About the system,
- As an Editorial Board Member, the user can view all the submissions assigned to him/her for the double-blind peer review process.
- As an Editorial Board Member, the user can sort the enlisted submissions by all the columns except for the ‘Author’ column.
- As an Editorial Board Member, the user can applya paginator and number of the submissions to be displayed on one page.
- As an Editorial Board Member, the user can view a submission card if the submission is assigned to him/her for a double-blind peer review process by clicking on a submission from a submission list.
- As an Editorial Board Member, the user can view a limited number of data on a submission form. The user cannot see the following information:
- Author and co-authors,
- Attached cover letter,
- Attached permission doc,
- Attached referee reports from other reviewers, assigned by Managing Editor,
- Comments,
- Files and Log tabs.
- As an Editorial Board Member, the user can perform actions on submission, i.e:
- Download a manuscript document
- Upload referee report during double-blind peer review phase,
- Invite external reviewers to review the submission if such option is allowed by a Managing Editor role on a double-blind peer review phase,
- View the list of invited external reviewers and their referee reports.
Editor Role
- As an Editor, the user can view the following menu items after login is done:
- My Profile,
- Roles switcher,
- Logout option,
- Submissions,
- Privacy Policy,
- Contacts,
- About the system,
- As an Editor, the user can view all the submissions created in the system within a journal(s) they are assigned to.
- As an Editor, the user can filter all the submissions created in the system within a journal(s) they are assigned to, by applying parameters such as:
- Phase,
- Status,
- Submission ID (within journals available for the role),
- Submission creation date,
- Journal – only those journals they are assigned to,
- Author & co-authors – only those authors and co-authors, who submitted manuscripts to their journals,
- Manuscript Title (within journals available for the role).
- As an Editor, the user can apply quick filters to submissions such as:
- As an Editor, the user can apply cross-search functionality to search for the manuscripts throughout the system.
- If any submission is found, the user with an Editor Role can open submission details only if such manuscript was submitted to the journal available for the Editor.
- As an Editor, the user can sort the enlisted submissions by all the columns except for the ‘Author’ column.
- As an Editor, the user can apply a paginator and number of the submissions to be displayed on one page.
- As an Editor, the user can view a submission card by clicking on a submission from a submission list.
- As an Editor, the user can view all the elements comprising a submission form.
- As an Editor, the user can perform actions on submission, i.e:
- View emails list per submission,
- View the details of one email or email threads.
- View the history of files attached to the manuscript and download any of the files attached.
If you have any questions about this Manuscript Administration System, please contact us: