The study sets forth to explore the reasons of choosing online recruitment media by identifying some influential factors from the job
seekers perspective. Today organizations are becoming more online-centric while recruiting potential employees. For the sake of
attracting a large pool of candidates, organizations use certain e-recruitment sites. Hence, this is necessary for the recruiters to
distinguish what factors drive the job applicants to pick a particular site to apply. Job seekers prefer different e-recruitment media
for different reasons. Examining the factors that work behind preferring these sites is the main focus of our study. Eight factors are
taken into consideration in this study to know about job seekers’ preference for company websites, online job portals, and Social
Networking Sites (SNS). To gain the goal of the study, a survey was done on the job seekers of our country. A 24-item questionnaire has
been designed and the respondents were selected based on convenience sampling technique. 145 usable responses were received and Multiple
Regression Analysis was used to analyze the data. The outcome of the study is that quick search, easiness, adequate information,
fairness, and reliability are the most influencing factors to choose any specific e-recruitment media. Some problems faced by the job
seekers and their suggestions were also identified through the open-ended questions included in the questionnaire. Conclusions,
limitations and future directions have been narrated at the end.